BUHAHAHAHA!!! Best line"Grumbleman wants to be your friend",that
part crack me up! Your accent fit really well in this film.
BUHAHAHAHA!!! Best line"Grumbleman wants to be your friend",that
part crack me up! Your accent fit really well in this film.
Thanks, although I was putting that voice on! ^-^
I dont get it.
Sorry man, but it really didnt make a lot of sense, it was mostly lame and it wasnt funny. Try better next time.
I explained it wasnt up 2 mi best standards ...
Whoa!! Thats Awesome
It was very interesting watching lines flying around with techno music. But this is the most orginal flash Ive ever seen and I like it.
Keep up the good work, I hope you make a second one.
A trailer with 2D animation.
Good job dude! The only problem with this trailer is the choppy background,but besides that it Fricking rocks!
Thanks.I'll probably get around to making some kind of game of it later.
Ultra Sweet!!
This flash by my standerds was frecking awsome. Not bad for a first
flash movie, but I wish you would have made it longer.
Mario DBZ style!
One word:KICKASS!!!
Warning! This flash is distrubing.
Im going to have nightmares because of this.
StarWars acting like southpark?! Sweet!
The fart jokes never get old.The movie would have been better if it was longer.
Holy Fricking Crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bless you for recreating one of my faverite DBZ episodes.This flash
definitly kicks ass.
Now thats something you dont see everday.
too short but very amuseing.
I'm just some random guy who likes to watch flash movies and play games on Newgrounds. UOTD: 06/26/08
Age 37, Male
Joined on 10/19/05